民國一百零參年十二月二十四日本校國中部行政大樓落成啟用,新校舍榮獲教育部補助1億元,縣府配合2,602萬元,共興建地上4層地下1層共25個空間,包含行政辦公室、專科教室、學生教室等以人為本的概念,以建築空間活潑化、展現校園主題性、新舊紋理的延續三大特色為目標,融合學校歷史文化,外觀採用抿石子建材,採簡約素雅風格,並考量師生教學動線、日照採光、改善西曬、通風等因素,營造和諧完善的學習空間。前縣長劉政鴻、 立委徐耀昌、縣議員羅雪珠、頭份鎮長徐定楨、校長鄒義昌等人一同出席剪綵,現場並安排學校成立的龍舞興華舞龍隊熱鬧慶祝,全體師生也以辦喜事的心情開心迎接新校舍的落成。
In accordance with Taiwan’s nine-year compulsory education system, Hsing-Hua Junior High School located in Toufen Miaoli County, was founded in 1968. At that time, Toufen was a very prosperous town with a growing school age population. With the cooperation of the government and local enthusiastic educators, the team chose the current location to establish the school.
The school’s location was a part of the Toufen Shrine which dates back to the Japanese colonial rule period. During Japanese colonial rule, local Taiwanese needed to assimilate to Japanese culture while Japan strengthened their imperialism movement and built many shrines throughout Taiwan. Toufen Shrine was located at the junction of Qiao-shan Elementary School and Hsing-Hua Junior High School. Currently, Hsing-Hua’s stadium is on the site of the former shrine’s social affairs office. Due to the hilly terrain, the open space in front of the shrine overlooks Zhunan, Toufen, and Zaoqiao townships. This was the main reason the Japanese chose this location for the shrine. After Taiwan’s transfer of sovereignty from Japan, Qiao-shan Elementary School was built in 1964 and Hsing-Hua Junior High School was founded in 1968.
Adjacent to Toufen Backyard Garden where locals can walk, relax and enjoy the nature, the school has a splendid environment with a beautiful view of green hills, farmlands and tea gardens. Looking out from the classrooms of senior high division, you will catch sight of the breathtaking landscape.
Hsing-Hua has a history of over fifty-two years since its establishment. During its inception the school only enrolled junior high students; however, in 1997 the school was approved to have a high school division. In the beginning the school only had eight classes. Currently, It is a school composed of both junior high and senior high divisions. In the junior high division, there are 23 classes in total. They are Normal Program, with 20 classes from Grade 7th to Grade 9th and Fine Art Program, with 3 classes from Grade 7th to Grade 9th. In the high division, from Grade 10th to Grade 12th, there are 20 classes in total, Three programs are included in the senior division: Normal Program, Vocational Program and Athletic Program. In Vocational Program, it is divided into Business Affairs section and Data Processing section. In general, the total number of students is about 1,200 and the faculty members is about 120. Starting at the new semester of 2021, a mathematics and science experimental class will be added to the high school division. The school is the only public high school in northern Miaoli County with a vocational Program and junior high division.